How to use a website and the internet to help your company survive the COVID-19 crisis!
I know that everyone and all businesses are facing very challenging times due to the world’s COVID-19 pandemic that has created the current global crisis. Money is tight and most companies are just trying to survive and move forward while trying to generate a profit so they can pay their bills and make the next payroll. We are all in the same boat, and we will all make it through this crisis, and survive to grow our businesses, and once again achieve prosperity. Just remember, as long as you are still alive you will make it, and life and business will get better as time moves forward. Never give up, be brave and fight, and move forward.
I am sure that the last thing that you want to do at the moment is spend the limited resources and money that you have on developing a new website, but that is what is needed more than ever in the challenging times like we are currently facing. Take the time to build and develop your personal brand, while developing your company’s brand at the same time. You are the face of your company, so take the extra time that you have at this moment to write and publish informative and useful information that your customers can use to help them grow their own businesses. Over the past several years I have taken the time to brand myself as the “Nylon 66 Off Grade Sales Specialist”, because that is what I spend most of my time doing. That is, developing new customers and finding new sales opportunities to sell more Nylon 66 off grade pellets, baled fibers, and PA66 PI regrind and shred. I will take the time to tell you how I have accomplished my goal to be the #1 organically ranking webpage for PA66 off grade base resin and nylon compound sales on the internet.
The first step is to develop a functional webpage that you own and manage using If you are a large corporation that will eventually have a website that is thousands of pages long, then you want to develop a website on a platform that meets your specific needs. Please note that you don’t want to use, because is basically a third-party service provider that will actually have control over your site. Remember when you are writing pages and articles for your website to write Google friendly articles that follow Google’s Best Practices Guidelines that you can lookup and read on the Google website. The reason you want to write a Google friendly article is because 75-80% of your websites traffic will come to you by way of the Google search engine. Keep in mind that you are writing something for both Google and your target audience. When writing the article keep the information at a 6-7 grade level. Unfortunately, the last statement is sad but true. If you are writing a technical paper for a professional group then it will be OK to write at a higher education level to meet the needs of the target audience.
Do not use a third-party development company like, GoDaddy, Wix, Squarespace, or any of the other similar service providers. The main reason for not using a third-party web developer is that only about 5-6 % of these sites will ever organically rank in Goolge. Typically, the third-party vendors main business is something other than just promoting your website and business, and they just suck you in with the promise of a cheap/inexpensive site that will at best only achieve marginal performance. Have you ever had a Wix or Squarespace website pop up when you do a Google product search? I have not, and most likely neither have you. Another reason not to use a third-party service provider is that you will only be able to use their web design program that will not give you full control of the pages look and layout. You will probably have to use a program that meets their needs and is not tailored to your specific needs and industry. And maybe the most important reason is, because if they go out of business or change ownership you are at their mercy, and may lose ownership and control of your webpage. Take the time to develop a website that you have full control over once it is up and running on
Once you have your site up and running learn to write informative articles that add value to the internet. By that I mean, take the time to write articles that answer questions or solve problems for your customers and clients. You should be publishing information that your customers can use to improve their own business, or solve a problem that they need help in solving. This will allow you to present yourself as an expert in your field that people want to read and follow on the internet, while at the same time developing your own personal brand. Your goal in posting information on the internet is to add useful information that contributes to making the internet a source of good and useful information. Don’t write fluff and tell everyone how great you and your company are, because that is not what Google is looking for, and it adds no real value to the information base that the internet is suppose to provide to the reader.
Learn to use social media to attract new customers and drive traffic to your site. Take the time to write a good profile description of yourself and company, then post it on LinkedIn, Facebook and Google My Business. Post articles on your website and link them back to LinkedIn that address current issues in your industry that are informative and helpful. Use Facebook to post articles that present your products and services to your customer base that make them want to follow your page on a regular basis. And last but not least, post a short sentence on Twitter that catches the readers eye, and makes them want to read the article and check out the website.
This is the order in which you should write and publish the information or article to the website.
Write the article and post is on your site first, then use a WordPress plugin like “” to post the article to Google My Business, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and any of the other social media platforms that you are using to promote the business. You want to do this in order to drive the traffic back to your site, just like I did to get you to read this article. This is the way to improve you organic ranking in Google to help move your webpage to the first page on the Google search engine.
You need to take the time to write and post good informative articles to the website in order for other individuals and companies to want to share the information and link to your site. We have a saying in the SEO/SEM Digital Marketing class that “Content is King”, and that is what makes you stand out as an expert in your field, and makes people want to read and share what you write. Developing good back links is one of the many things that Google looks for with their ranking algorithm to evaluate and organically rank a website.
Always keep in the mind the main 4 criteria for ranking organically on a Google search are:
- Publishing well written and informative articles that add true value to the Google search engine.
2. Use Social Media to develop your customer base and drive traffic to your site.
3. Develop good back links that send positive signals to Google that help increase the sites organic ranking.
4. Develop a good web page that allows you to rank in the top 3 slots in the Google Local square, when searching for products and services in your city, town, and community.
I am not big on Pay Per Click (PPC) programs, which can be helpful in some cases in promoting new products and services, or in cases where you have a short window of time to promote your product and service and make some sales. Only about 7-8% of people even click on the first 3 paid ads that appear at the top of any Goolge search. Most of the PPC programs that I have seen have marginal performance at best, and can be very costly depending on the Keyword search term that you are buying.
Developing a good organically ranking website will take some time and effort on you part, but the reward and return in the long run will be an increase in business and profits by increasing the traffic to your site.
I am a Nylon 66 / PA66 off grade salesman, and these are some of the Keywords that ranks organically on when making a search for PA66 off grade nylon sales on the internet.
- Nylon 66 Sales Specialist
- Nylon 66 Off Grade Sales Specialist
- Nylon 66 Off Grade Sales
- Nylon 66 Off Grade Resin Sales
- PA66 Off Grade Resin Sales
- PA66 Wide Specification resin sales
- Nylon 66 off grade base resin
- Nylon 66 off grade base resin sales
- Nylon 66 bright regrind sales
- Nylon 66 shred sales
- PA66 Shred Sales
- Nylon 66 wide spec fiber sales
- PA66 wide spec fiber sales
- Nylon 66 wide specification fibers
- PA66 wide specification fibers
- Nylon 66 wide specification fiber sales
- PA66 wide specification fiber sales
- Sells nylon 66 off grade
- Sells PA66 off grade
- Sells Nylon 66 off grade resin
- Sells PA66 off grade resin
James R. Gubera
Nylon 66 / PA66 Sales Specialist
Email: or