Nylon 66 Off Grade Pellets and PA66 Regrinds for Sale

Nylon 66 / PA66 Off-Grade Wide Specification Pellets / Nylon Regrind Plastics

Dualloy Engineering Polymers Ltd.
Plastic Scrap Recycling
Nylon 66 – PA66 Off-Grade / Wide Specification Pellets
Please feel free to contact me at: JamesGubera@dualloy.com
See our webpage at:  Dualloy.com
Please feel free to call me at Tel #: 281-556-6481

Dualloy Sells Off Grade Nylon 66 Pellets

Dualloy Sells Nylon 66 – PA66 Off-Grade (wide-specification) Pellets / Regrinds
We have the following material available for sale on a ongoing basis.  Please call for a price quotation and material availability.
PA66 Mixed Luster Regrind
PA66 Mixed Luster Pellets
PA66 Bright Regrind w/burns
PA BLK Repro Pellets
PA66 Off Grade GF Pellets     NC or BLK Segregated
PA66 GF Regrind                 NC/BLK Mixed
PA66 NC Regrind
PA66 NC HS Pellets
PA66 NC Pellets                               

Dualloy has available for sale the following Nylon 66 – PA66 materials:
Nylon 66 Bright w/HS Off-Grade Pellets
Nylon 66 Semi Dull Off Grade Pellets
Nylon 66 Dull Off Grade Pellets
Nylon 66 Off-Grade Textile Bright Pellets
Nylon 66 Off-grade Pellets w/ up to .02% TiO2
Nylon 66 Mixed Color Regrind
Nylon 66 Bright Regrind from Lump/Chunk
Nylon 66 Semi Dull / Mixed Luster Regrinds

Prime Nylon 6 Pellets 2.7 RV – Bright
Packaged in 1,500# boxes
Fibers / Compounding Feedstock

Dualloy sells the following types of Nylon 6 Polymer production waste:
PA6 Kettle Bottoms
PA6 Capro Residue
Call for MOQ and current material prices

Dualloy purchases / sells plastic and polymers in the following forms:
Aged / Obsolete Virgin Pellets
Wide Specification, Off-grade Pellets
Clean uniform plastic regrinds
Reactor Lumps/Chunks/Patties
Nylon Fiber Bales

See us on Facebook at the following pages:
Dualloy Engineering Polymers Ltd.
Nylon 66 Plastic Sales
Nylon 6 (PA 6) Plastic Sales
Nylon 66 Plastic Recycling Company
PVB Plastic Recycling – Polyvinyl Butyral
Chrome Plated Plastic Scrap Recycling

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